2023 Top Priorities: Directors versus CFOs

2023 Top Priorities: Directors versus CFOs

  • This OptimalBoard | Snapshot contrasts the previously covered top 2023 concerns of directors with the top concerns of CFOs from another recent survey
  • Below are the top six concerns of directors from NACD’s 2023 Trends and Priorities Survey and the top six concerns of CFOs from the 2022 McKinsey Global Survey on the role of the CFO

Source:  National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

Source:  McKinsey and Company

Key takeaways

  • Inflation and supply chain disruption ranked in the top six concerns of both the directors and CFOs surveyed
  • COVID-19 ranked below the top six for both directors (5%) and CFOs (12%)
  • Unlike directors, CFOs ranked talent shortages low (6%) while also ranking the potential impact of unemployment low (10%)

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends