Corporate Governance: Guide for SMEs



There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to corporate governance. Different governance models, laws and regulations exist in different countries. Furthermore, each company is unique and needs to develop its governance framework in a way which works best for it.

With the above in mind, this document is general enough to cover a wide range of businesses and companies. It aims to help identify good corporate governance practices that may fit a company, focuses primarily on the Anglo-Saxon unitary board model.


1. Corporate Governance: Context and key definitions
-Key definitions
-Corporate governance vs corporate management

2. Corporate Governance: Key milestones and diversity
– Key modern corporate governance milestones
– A historical overview of corporate governance in the USA
– The continuing diversity of corporate governance

3. Corporate Governance: Key stakeholders
– Corporate governance stakeholders
– Primary parties to corporate relations
– The principle agent dilemma

4. SME Governance: Key elements, levels and benefits
– Five elements of good corporate governance
– Core values of corporate governance
– Common issues of private family-owned companies
– Levels and benefits of good corporate governance

5. SME Governance: Good governance by element and development stage
– Five elements of good corporate governance with key governance topics
– The governance evolution of SMEs
– Commitment to corporate governance
– Decision making and strategic oversight
– Risk governance and internal controls
– Disclosure and transparency
– Shareholders’ rights