Snapshot | Governing into the Future: Agenda and Information

Snapshot | Governing into the Future: Agenda and Information

  • NACD’s A Framework for Governing into the Future report published in October 2022 aims to help boards become better stewards of long-term value creation for all stakeholders
  • Below are the 10 areas of the principle-based framework NACD proposes for ongoing governance improvement at both public and private companies

Source:  National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

On Agenda and Information, the report states…

Ensuring that boards are well-positioned to satisfy their responsibilities requires periodic reassessment of the processes in place…

Governance structures and practices should… support the board in determining its own priorities, agendas, and information needs, and to assist the board in focusing on priority issues.

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends