Snapshot | Governing into the Future : Objectivity and Oversight

Snapshot | Governing into the Future : Objectivity and Oversight

  • NACD’s A Framework for Governing into the Future report published in October 2022 aims to help boards become better stewards of long-term value creation for all stakeholders
  • Below are the 10 areas of the principle-based framework NACD proposes for ongoing governance improvement at both public and private companies

Source:  National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

On Objectivity and Oversight, the report states…

Meeting agendas should align with current board priorities and be adjusted as needed. Boards can no longer… simply rely on the formula provided by last year’s board calendar and work program.

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends

Snapshot | Governing into the Future: Agenda and Information

Snapshot | Governing into the Future: Agenda and Information

  • NACD’s A Framework for Governing into the Future report published in October 2022 aims to help boards become better stewards of long-term value creation for all stakeholders
  • Below are the 10 areas of the principle-based framework NACD proposes for ongoing governance improvement at both public and private companies

Source:  National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

On Agenda and Information, the report states…

Ensuring that boards are well-positioned to satisfy their responsibilities requires periodic reassessment of the processes in place…

Governance structures and practices should… support the board in determining its own priorities, agendas, and information needs, and to assist the board in focusing on priority issues.

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends

Snapshot | <em>GCC boards and ESG</em>

Snapshot | GCC boards and ESG

  • Aon’s Middle East ESG Trends 24th November presentation explored the latest Middle East Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) trends and how they are influencing firms across the region
  • The graph below illustrates insight from the GCC Pulse Survey section regarding boards and ESG

Source:  Aon’s Middle East ESG Trends, November 2022 (responses shortened)

Key findings…

  • A large majority of GCC respondents stated that their board has defined ESG matters of importance to the company or at least discussed ESG
  • A similar majority indicated that their company either has an ESG strategy, working on one or considering doing so
  • However, elsewhere in the survey, a lower percentage of the respondents stated that their board monitors ESG related initiatives, directly or through committees, or linking management incentives to their success

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends

Snapshot | <em>Oversight areas that do not receive sufficient board time/attention</em>

Snapshot | Oversight areas that do not receive sufficient board time/attention

  • PwC’s 2022 Annual Corporate Directors Survey has gauged the views of 704 US public company directors representing over a dozen industries, 72% of which have annual revenues of more than $1 billion
  • The graph below illustrate select responses by the surveyed public company directors

Source: PWC’s 2022 Annual Corporate Directors Survey, October 2022

Food for thought…

  • Strategy, deemed by many as one of the board’s most important functions, was noted by respondents as the area not receiving sufficient attention the most.
  • Also, the fact that ESG has a lower percentage does not necessarily mean that it is receiving sufficient attention as the report states elsewhere that only 45% of the respondents believe ESG issues impact company performance and a mere 11% think environmental/sustainability expertise is important to their board.

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends

Snapshot | <em>Board size and standing committees’ number and prevalence</em>

Snapshot | Board size and standing committees’ number and prevalence

  • In its 37th edition, the recently released 2022 US Spencer Stuart Board Index offers a useful guide to board composition and governance practices at S&P 500 company boards
  • The graphs below illustrate select responses by the surveyed S&P 500 companies

Source:  2022 US Spencer Stuart Board Index

Food for thought…

  • According to the report, the average number of board directors as well as the number and prevalence of standing committees has remained steady over the past decade.
  • However, with increased uncertainty and an abundance of emerging risks, it remains to be seen if independent risk committees will become more prevalent going forward, possibly driven by regulation.

  ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends

Snapshot | <em>Board meetings</em>

Snapshot | Board meetings

  • In its 37th edition, the recently released 2022 US Spencer Stuart Board Index offers a useful guide to the shifting composition and governance practices of S&P 500 company boards
  • Although local, industry and company maturity levels particularities may apply, the 70+ page report available on Spencer Stuart’s website provides food for thought to other companies as well
  • Below are the distribution of responses regrading the number of board meetings held annually by the surveyed S&P 500 companies

Note: 1.  Includes in-person and telephonic regular and special meetings
Source:  2022 US Spencer Stuart Board Index

The report concludes that the number of meetings is returning to the Pre-Covid-19 levels, adding:

    S&P 500 boards met 8.3 times on average, compared to 9.4 in 2021, including regularly scheduled and special meetings. While still higher than in 2020 (7.9 meetings), the average number of meetings this year was the same as in 2012.

      ILMAM’s Optimal Board Program framework can help companies optimize their overall board work cycle, while considering the relevant drivers and trends